Products from Our Walmart Stores Baby Carrier

This series of products are all directly made from our factories to stock one stop buys all. So far we have new mom/baby products, pet products, home decorations, kitchen tools and  utensils, luxury handmade candles, sports equipments, back stretchers, lumbar support waist belts, etc. We have our own Hong Tai brand that is founded by medical professionals. We make sure our products are safe with high qualities to our customers. For easy shopping on our Walmart stores, please go to (if you are in US), or please go to (if you are in Canada) and type in the above category products with "Hong Tai" in it, and all of our products will pop up. We have our products stored in US, so the delivery time is quick!

Walmart USA: Advanced 4-in-1 Carrier Holding Babies All Position Backpack Style Sling Baby Carrier